Monday, October 5, 2020

Racial themes of good and evil (Part III)

This post is the third article in the series of "racial themes of good and evil" which I have written on my blog so far. I highly recommend going back and reading parts I and II which give an explanation of the thesis of this series and various examples from the early church fathers and martyrs. 

In this article the example which will be shown is from the modern times. Namely from St. Nikolai Velimirovich's book "War and the Bible", originally published in 1931, which mentions race in a Christian context. 

In St. Nikolai's book the reference to the White race is made explicit. The book starts out with an ominous warning:

"From the Holy Revelation of God it is clear to whom God will grant victory. This is clear from the example of all wars in the history of mankind, if they are considered in the coverage of Holy Revelation. The will of God gives victory to the one who has the clearest and strongest faith in God and who fulfills His law [...] If not a single Christian people repent and return to Christ, the center of their soul and life, then God will give the victory to the non-Christian, Asian peoples."

Are we not seeing this today to some extent? With the Chinese economy set to overtake the United States and the Chinese (economically) taking over African countries (the old European colonies) this is seemingly already taking place. 

He explicitly makes the connection between White and Christian in his chapter "Weapons":

"These are the peoples of the white race, the peoples called 'Christian'."

St. Nikolai further writes: 

"God breathed into man the striving for culture so that through it the human soul would manifest its dominance over the world of matter and its devotion and service to God. Thus, all these values ​​would take on an angelic image through the service and love that the Lord Jesus Christ commanded . But, just as the Seraphim, who once fell away from God, who was called Lucifer, became the devil, so these values ​​became idols, demons without God.

Note that relative satiety with these idols leads people to laziness, corruption, decay, disgust for everything, dementia and suicide (as, for example, at the end of the Roman Empire); and dissatisfaction leads to extreme grief, envy, grumbling, shamelessness, all kinds of violence and, in the end, again to suicide. In both cases, these idols breathe hatred and contempt for the Meek and Good Lord Christ and, therefore, lead to war...

You will have noticed, of course, that I am only talking about Christian peoples. I'm not doing this without reason, General. After all, it was they who fought the last World War, and they are preparing a new one. During the last 150 years, since the fight against God arose in Europe, the European peoples have fought incomparably more than the rest of the world. War was the scourge of God to make the unreasonable [reasonable]. But the unreasonable did not come to their senses. They fall deeper and deeper, fly into the abyss... Those who were chosen by God to be "salt and light" have lost their strength and faded. Although they boast that they are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, no one believes them anymore. Neither India, nor China, nor Africa anymore look at white people as salt and light of the earth, considering them insignificance and darkness. From all that has been said, it is clear that:

1) the reasons for the future war lie in the apostasy from God and the idolatry of Christian nations and their leaders;

2) these reasons are identical with the reasons for the wars from which Israel suffered and perished, which was once the salt and light of the world;

3) these reasons must be quickly destroyed by repentance and a return to God, because otherwise a whole series of future wars will undoubtedly lead to the death of Christian nations, but not Christianity itself ."

He repeats himself later in the book, reiterating:

"If God neither in Europe nor in America finds a single worthy people of the white race, then in case of war He will grant victory to one of the Asian nations..."

Further, ominous punishments are mentioned by the Saint: 

Punishing "the theomachist people who have fallen away from God, the Lord sometimes sends them to distant peoples. Thus, the Israelites were brought from Egypt to be punished by the Canaanite pagans. As punishment for the Europeans, Attila and Genghis Khan were sent from distant Asia; to punish the Spaniards, the Saracens, and the Balkans, the Turks."

St. Nikolai concludes his book and writes a passage on the spiritual staet of our race and I believe it to be truly beautiful and emotional to read: 

"The white race can change their spirit, correct their thoughts, tame their aspirations, for things that have no real value, and go to a good goal, for the One Who said: "I am the Way." Maybe if she wants to. But would she? From falling into the abyss to being rescued from it and safe is one step. Will people want to retreat just one step from the terrible abyss they are standing over? God is waiting for an answer to this question; waiting like a father, loving and caring. At least every day they gave God a negative answer - by His mercy and love, God waits; waiting to hear a kind answer from any people to deflect the disaster."

My brothers, it is clear: the only way forward for the White race is with Christ. If we have any hopes of changing our collective situation we should begin with changing ourselves first. We must return to Christ and His original Church: the Orthodox Church.

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