Saturday, January 18, 2020

A Transylvanian Word for “Lord” Rothermere (Article by Ion Moța)

“Greater Hungary” and jewish plans

The Romanian doesn’t get alarmed (even when he should) and he doesn’t lose his temper, however great the trials of fate. It is, it seems, a strength due to both his superior essence and his nationality, as well as the unparalleled honing from ages of great sacrifices and battles, for Justice and for his Right faith in God.

It is to be understood thus, why us Romanians didn’t really hurry to respond to “lord” Rothermere, that jew from England, which, recently, in his newspapers, has begun to request, with great haste, the reunification of Greater Hungary, not being stimulated to this by money that he maybe received from the Hungarian government, and not only the special hatred of all jews toward all that is Romanian, but put on his way by a certain jewish plan, about which we will talk at the end of the article.  Our indifference in the face of the fury of the boyar-lord is this much more explainable as there is no danger or great trial of fate. Seeing this, now, that this campaign continues to argue in front of the world the idea of a new “Greater Hungary”, we will also say here some words, in the name of a part of the Transylvanian youth, not to convince the jew, but for the honest foreigner that might seek this topic that he might have at his disposal a folder as complete as possible.

The other day Father Hlinka, the head of the Slovakian nationalists and anti-semites from the neighbouring friend republic, said that it is good for the unwavering will to be known, the clear answer, of the Slovakians, at any future try to enslave them again: Fight for life and for death, until the last drop of blood, for the defence of justice and the Slovakian ancestral soil!

It is thus in discussion the refoundation of Greater Hungary! Why then – would say the jew in question, as would many Hungarians – should there exist a Greater Romania, a Greater Yugoslavia and not a Greater Hungary? If Honigman and Rosenthal pleaded in 1915 for a “Greater Romania” only for the sake of Russian money, why would Rothermere not be ready to plead today for a Greater Hungary for the sake of the Budapestans’ money and even more so when the Qahal orders him? What motivated Rosenthal yesterday, why wouldn’t it also motivate Rothermere today? Neither yesterday to one, nor today to the other, did there the spirit of truth play a role which, in the social laws of mankind, is crystalized in the criterion fundamental and divine of the national idea. 

The problem is totally different for the others, which both yesterday, as well as today, have waged and wage battles (both by pen and by another nature) driven by something other than the money of subversive and ordered campaigns, in us speaks in the depths of our pure soul, ready for any sacrifice for the defence of truth, which is our only impulse. We don’t speak from next to the bag of money (and, in the eventual days of fire, we will defend our words similar to how the gladiators will), but we speak from the brink of eternity in which we are ready to enter at any time, for the fulfilment of this heavenly impulse which rises from the profundities which include the divine spark of the human soul. 

So what are the criteria of this jew, and what are ours?

Raised in the talmudic atmosphere of the jewish spirit, which is dominated by the base criterion of the ruling of one nation over others – what moral chord could vibrate revoltingly in the dark soul of Judas, in the moment when he asks (in a hypocritical manner, which is normal, for a people other than the “chosen ones”) , that the Hungarian nation to be ruler, once again, over neighbouring nations?

How much eternal justice does social law contain which establishes the indissoluble bond between nationality and culture! Thinking about the shameless cynicism with which the great truth of the right of independent existence of the peoples is attacked, by this jew (which has succeeded in making it that much is talked about him, thanks to a monstrous fortune, won in the way of Rothschild at Waterloo and which permits him to be one of the masters of the English press), in the same time I remember (and I draw a parallel between the Aryan race and the pseudo-semitic, jewish one) of an example given by the German nation (the true German nation, worthy of Goethe and Schiller and truly representative of its Aryan nationality, and not the German nation of 1914, crazed and degraded to the lowly criminality of “Deutschland über alles”). Mr. Professor Găvănescul tells us of this sublime example of the capacity of nobility of an Aryan nationality:

The Swiss of German nationality, seeing, in 1914, Germany’s crime, their fatherland, which rushes over the disarmed Belgium and the innocent France, from simple lust of haughty domination of the world, these German Swiss formed a Legion of volunteers which put itself at the disposal of the French army and which fought with unthinkable heroism agains their brothers from the Kaiser’s army, leaving 3,000 dead on the French fields of honor!

See thus how an Aryan knows, a true German, to defend what I said is the fundamental criterion of social laws: the national idea (in the case in point the France endangered in her right to independent existence), in consequence, see how this Aryan knows how to listen to his divine spark from the most pure profundities of the human soul. 

Through misfortune, if Germany from 1914 was a guilty deviation (and, we trust, passing) from the commandaments of the true German spirit, Aryan and Christian, - the boyar-lord from London isn’t in any way in contradiction with the satanic jewish spirit, with the trait eternally proven throughout the course of history, of this deadly race. 


But, our intention in this article was not to talk about the attributes of the jewish nationality and those of the noble nationalities. We wanted to say a word, and especially a word from the Romanian Transylvanian soul, for those eager for new criminal adventures:

We associate in entirety with the patriotic reply of Father Hlinka, in whose words we recognize the feeling which rules over us too, and we are especially pleased seeing this exact fit of our souls, from which, when required, can birth the steel of a common breastplate and of an invincible brotherhood. To all these we will add a few clarifications, in three orders of ideas:

1) It is answered to us often that our whole argumentation with “the spirit of truth” that is with us, that the whole argumentation with serving “the will of God” yet again, we say, is with those that defend the existence of nations created and willed by God, - we are told that all of these don’t have much value in proving the just cause of Greater Romania and the injustice of a Greater Hungary. Even on the other side, with Rothermere and the Hungarians, they argue that the spirit of truth is with them, even more so that on their side is God. Such a sermon is known as the motto for Hungarian irredentism: “I believe in divine justice, thus I believe in the rebirth of Hungary.”

So what then? The spirit of truth is with both one and the other – we are told – and can “holy divine justice” be a serious argument in favour of one side, when both claim the heroic defence of it? 

Our answer is that we will not give up these arguments, which are in fact the power of our spiritual foundation; in this conflict Truth is not relative. Like God, it is one. Or with one side, or with the other, and not with both.  It remains to be seen which is truly on the side of justice and in the service of God, and thus will benefit both from the invincible help of divinity, but also from the huge force that is bestowed secretly only in those that fight for the truth – and which of the two, under the guise of purity and virtue, is the one which serves the devilish spirit of destroying the divine creation. We have seen the belts of the devouring wombs of the leeches filled with drink and flour on the back of the violated foreigner, we have also seen new hypocritical words, a blasphemy of the sky: “Gott mit uns!”… and God was not with them, and he struck them down. Because “not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven” is the judgment of the Holy Scripture.

As for the controversy of today: Greater Romania – Greater Hungary, for us the case is so clear and simple, that it doesn’t even need much proving. To argue that the Romanian, Czech, Slovak, Serb, Croat, Slovene nations, are all unworthy of living independently, sovereign over their own countries, and that the cause of civilization cannot be saved except by putting them to be ruled under the Hungarian nation, in a “Greater Hungary”, to affirm such things was in the past a wickedness, today it is just a joke. A “Greater Romania” is not an injustice, since it is the State that encompasses the land of one nation, whereas “Greater Hungary” would be the extending of the State of one nation, over the land and rights of neighbouring nations. (By the way the whole name of “Greater Romania”, or “Greater Hungary” is incorrect; Romania of today is not at all Greater, it is Romania pure and simple; and if “Greater” means encompassing the entire national territory, then Hungary today is a perfect “Greater Hungary” and so here is the goal of the hebrews realized through a simple restoration of terminology, without blood, intrigues and Rothermeres! And us, the Romanian anti-Semites, finally proven to truly be… servants of Budapest, as, for years on end, the fellow Honigman and Hefter have tried to prove, the good advisors and leaders of Romanian public opinion).

For any balanced man, the argument above is sufficient, we believe, to decide who has the right to claim.  In this controversy, defending truth and serving God is perhaps sufficient even for calm and serious Hungarians. (And these also exist; the other day, in a train, I was moved by the loyalty with which the wife of a Hungarian, which was returning from Budapest, admitted, terribly contradicted by some Transylvanian Hungarians, with which she was conversing, she admitted the great filth of the Hungarian working class from Budapest, seen with her own eyes, and the obvious superiority of the worker’s life from Romania). As for the Hungarians that struggle between adventure and seriousness, we ask them only this: do they believe, truly, in the depth of their conscience, that older Hungary – that state that was successful in keeping six foreign nations under Hungarian rule only thanks to special historical circumstances of the middle ages, in which there was no role and no power for the national idea – do they believe that this older Hungary, can be remade today, defeating the determination of all these nations to defend their right of nationality and their land as Father Hlinka says? Is it serious, possible, such a faith, such an ideal, judging just with common human sense, even without taking into consideration the factor of divine faith, which, showing, this ideal as unjust, destines one to a sure defeat, at need even against the suggestions of common sense, since injustice is always destined to defeat? Can they hesitate in choosing between dangerous adventure and peace-bringing reality and good order? And now, regarding the partisan Hungarians determined to adventure and still fiery from the hit of 1918 (so that we occupy with all categories), we answer them below. 

2. We have proposed ourselves, in another order of ideas, and especially with the thought and spirit of Transylvania, to add a clarification to the above: 

Should it be that all arguments and our well intentioned efforts don’t bear fruit, should it be that common sense of the peoples allows themselves deceived and enemy fabric to arrive again, should God want to test the faith of this country – let it be known that especially we, the Transylvanians, have a word to say.

Romanian flags of the Transylvanian regiments are still virgin! Their cloth is not mangled, their eagle is unadorned by heroic ribbons! The year 1919 means almost nothing for the Transylvanian army; in crisis, and still unfounded, it had given and has shown what the soul can do from Albac and from Țebea! Transylvanian military honor waits the moment of conception, in which to rise to the heights of the Rovine, Călugăreni, Podul Înalt, Valea Albă, Plevna and Mărășești, holy places, from which we Transylvanians were absent, stopped by fate. Let someone dare to bring us this moment! And then the unfortunate enemy will see how much his error to follow crazy heads and the sin of touching this nation willed and loved by God and destined to a bright future in the life of the world will cost. 

Us, Transylvanians, alongside out brothers from the rest of the Fatherland, which will be eternally an example, we wait this day, ready always! But, as good Christians, we don’t want it! 

3. Before ending, we have to make one last categorical specification, addressed this time only to the boyar Londoner and his people. If we were simple nationalists, those said until now, would have sufficed. But in our judgment intervenes another element: the consciousness of the dangers of world jewry and the desire to remove or, how can we say, our “anti-semitism” intervenes. I have promised from the beginning of this article to show the real motive for the action of Rothermere, which, without any doubt, didn’t work from his own initiative, but with the consent of world jewry, in the fight to dominated the globe. 

Indeed, a peculiarly dangerous ferment for jews is observed in the recent times in central and oriental Europe: strong anti-semitic movements and even attempts to international agreements for the solving of the jewish question*. The counter-blow decided by the supreme zionist leadership was, without doubt, to seek to destroy the brotherhood of Christian peoples which was rising on the horizon. Romania, Poland, Hungary, united against the jews, they were and will be a terrible obstacle for the triumph of Israel. What can separate these countries and peoples easier, than a campaign like that of Rothermere, exalting again, possibly exactly in the moment when its decline was approaching, of a pain and of a wandering? This is why, we don’t uphold that only money was the sole motive for the action of the jew. On the contrary, he would have worked for free, but of course he took measures to extract and profit as much from this situation, according to jewish custom. 

*For example the International Anti-semite Congress in Budapest from the year 1925, in which Romanian delegates were welcomed very well.

We have said above that we don’t desire a conflict with Hungary. Without giving up any of our national rights and ready to defend anytime, we want a union with all nations against jews and we will work for it. 

And the jewish Qahal should take good note that: wherever will happen, the first thought in all our minds, from one camp and the other, will be to curb first the domination of the jewish people, the closest and biggest enemy for every one of us! And their weavings for ruining Christian brotherhood will not bring them any use, at the most from the man that digs another’s grave, or that plays with fire. 

(Originally published in the Legionary magazine “Pământul Strămoșesc” on the 1st of September 1927.)

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