Sunday, August 22, 2021

A dialogue between Adam and the Archangel Uriel as related by Archimandrite Ilie Cleopa

"But before the flood there will be other signs: they will carry water to them in wooden, stone, clay and goat bellows and will not be saturated with water. When they meet each other, instead of good morning, they will ask, 'Do you have water?' 'I have!' People will drink a lot of water about 500 years before the flood. And this will be a sign that the punishment of mankind is coming through water." "What about the flood of fire?" Adam asked. "The flood of fire will be the end of the world, Uriel told him. When the world moves away from God, a weed, tobacco, will appear. And people will go after these weeds, which will keep them neither full nor hydrated". The tobacco was brought to France by Empress Catherine from America and was called "Empress Catherine's Grass." But she didn't bring it for smoking, but for the bathroom. This weed, that is, tobacco, when people drink it with fire and smoke, it will be a sign that fire and smoke are coming, which will come out of them. This will be the first sign of the end of the ages. The second sign will be the cooling of faith in God and people will get very angry. The flood of fire will be at the end of the world, as it is now being prepared.

Taken from Doxologia, with the book being "Ne vorbește Părintele Cleopa" ("Father Cleopa Speaks To Us") by Archimandrite Ilie Cleopa, 2nd edition, volume 3, Sihăstria Monastery Publishing House, Vânători-Neamț, 2004, pp. 64-65 (Unsure if this book is available in English)

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