Twitter thread by my friend @GnomeRad. Go follow him!
Note: The images can me opened in a new tab and enlarged for better viewing and reading
THREAD: So the hour lurches ever closer. With new reports coming out almost everyday from military intelligence, international orgs, “space programs” & the like, it seems that we are entering a reality where the powers that be fully affirm the existence of “extraterrestrial life”
Many people have made humorous observations like “the government just admitted aliens are real and no one is freaking out at all”. This observation, among many, shows that what we are seeing is the orchestrated seeding of alien disclosure in the minds of the world population…
Let’s take a step back. What are UFO’s & how long have they been a phenomenon in the public eye? Hieromonk & locally venerated Orthodox Saint Fr. Seraphim Rose gives the definitive Orthodox take on UFO & extraterrestrial phenomena. From: Orthodoxy & the Religion of the Future

As Fr. Seraphim points out, aerial phenomena are not new, but the new consciousness surrounding their place in a broader narrative about space exploration, human evolution, exotheology, & transhumanism has found a breeding ground in post-Christian sci-fi mythology…
When the consistent “flying saucer” narrative began to take shape in post WW2 USA, the literature of Jules Verne had an entire generation to seep into the public consciousness. Early sci-fi introduced the public to ideas like moon visits and space travel in general.
Many of the works mentioned by Fr. Seraphim became even more prominent cultural touchstones after his repose. Authors like Arthur C. Clarke & HG Wells are well known, & Star Wars and Star Trek remain two of the largest media franchises in history.

In the UFO chapter of his book, Fr. Seraphim makes the definitive case that many sightings of aerial objects are legitimate & often come from credible sources in their right minds. Fr. Seraphim lists: “Nocturnal Lights”, “Daylight Discs”, and “Radar Visual” reports as 3 types.
Fr. Seraphim then delineates close encounters of the First, Second, & Third kind, each level noting the intensity and detail of encounters with supposed extraterrestrials. Here are descriptions of the first & second kind of encounters. Notice the level of physical interaction.
Close encounters of the Third Kind are intense experiences with, usually, humanoid creatures and their crafts. Here
@HaasDelgado444 reads an account of the Kelly, Kentucky UFO incident from Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future. Pt. 1 of 2 videos.
Part 2 of the Kelly Kentucky Close Encounter.
Steven Spielberg’s 1977 film utilizes this language & portrays realistic UFO encounters. Released at the height of the UFO phenomenon, it ultimately ends with the protagonist abandoning his family for alien knowledge & star travel atop “Devil’s Tower” in South Dakota.
Beyond close encounters of the third kind, there exists a category of people who have experienced frequent encounters with UFO’s/their inhabitants, supposed psychic & dream experiences, & even intense abductions w/ physical manifestations & consequences.

This leads us to the conclusion and most important part of Fr. Seraphim’s chapter & what exactly the UFO & extraterrestrial/alien phenomenon means for Orthodox Christians & those dwelling in these latter days. This phenomenon must be viewed, first and foremost, spiritually.
This is demonic. The demons seek to deceive and sow discord on earth & will always be steps ahead of humanity in how to appear & lead humanity astray. The similarities between modern alien encounters and many Saintly encounters with demons is abundantly clear.

Fr. Seraphim does not mince words. These aerial phenomena & the cultural mythology in which they are now being “clearly” understood is meant to prepare humanity for Antichrist, one-world-government, & the worship of demons.
Now that we have established a firm and Orthodox understanding of the phenomenon, it is time to examine more recent happenings in the aerial realm, other Saints, and the obvious media campaign to make “alien disclosure” a reality.
Aleister Crowley, occultist and black magician from whom much of modern occultism stems from communicated with demonic entities who supposedly resembled the drawing below. Look familiar? 👽

The Bible makes it clear that demons and evil entities reside in the air & the Orthodox teaching of the Aerial Tollhouses further provides a metaphysical basis for the presence of demonic accusers and creatures inhabiting the area beneath the firmament in our sky.
As aliens & UFO’s move from conspiracy theory to government sanctioned real-think the intention is clear. Demons will reveal themselves in their near fullness to a world which largely rejects the metaphysical realm entirely. The depth of the deception will be unprecedented.
Arthur C. Clarke was mentioned earlier and one of his stories, “Childhood’s End” is about this very thing. In a modern TV adaptation there is almost no subtlety when the “aliens” reveal who they truly are with humanity’s children in tow.
We have already seen the elevation of the inverted & demonic in pop culture. When these “trans-galactic” beings “appear” to humanity and tell us to stop breeding, upload our minds, eat bugs, & reject Christ and the transcendent how many people will happily go along with it?

Superhero mythology is also entirely entangled in exotheology & alien mythology. Superman is not only a nihilistic power avatar but a promethean/demonic god-character meant to deliver secular & “scientifically possible” salvation to a “dying” planet.
How often do you hear about how “insignificant” humanity is accompanied by some graphic explaining the vastness of “space”? The entire scientific worldview is completely tainted with the demonic mythology of its fictitious origins. A whole generation of endless void worshippers.
It is already “objectively true” in the mind of the world that we are random carbon creatures floating through infinite space through random chance. If this is a scientific dogma than logically that infinite vacuum would be filled with other entities.
It is not too big of a stretch to imagine religious levels of backlash when one of these zealots is confronted with your belief that aliens aren’t real and that we should not look forward to flying to different galaxies like in a Styx song.
Here is a very relevant quote from St. Gabriel Urgebadze of Georgia. He also prophesied that the Theotokos would protect the Georgian nation during the times of Antichrist.
Archive link:
A lot of very important footage here put together by KJ Ozborne of the ScariestMovieEver channel on YouTube.
Here is almost an hour of footage from KJ of mysterious lights and other aerial phenomena.
Here is the entire audio recording for the chapter on UFO’s in Orthodoxy & the Religion of the Future as well as a PDF download link. Also linking to
@Jay_D007 commentary
Great thread chronicling the warnings of a 9th century Saint against aerial visitors. Notice the “ship” language conformed to the technology of the era.
More info regarding the recent 60 Minutes segment on UFO’s and other global bureaucrat’s comments.
Article found on
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